Hi Guys, I got bad news last week from my Industry mate that a technically graduated girl committed suicide last week which jerked me from inside and forced me to write another perspective of life which normally we don’t see.
People, in general, feel non-complacent from life and have a lot of complaints from life in terms of resources, job, business, non-availability of materialistic possession and have many grudges from fellow human beings and even from Almighty.

Let’s try to understand what is the factor that needs to be considered important to us. I got the idea of these issues after discussing a lot of people. I find most of the people are having a lot of complaints from others like, parents, children, spouse, job , business, company, government, system, society, country, environment, etc.

First of all, we are not aware of what exactly we want in our life in terms of tangible and intangibles things.we have been taught science, commerce, arts, engineering, medicine, etc. We have been told and guided about means a lot but not about Ends. We want to become engineers, doctors, civil servants, politicians, etc. which all are means to achieve ends like JOY and HAPPINESS, We must try to know the theory of Means and Ends of life.

I am able to understand this fact only after reading a lot of managerial and spiritual books including the Gita many times and approximately spending about more than 70 percent of normal employable life considering a normal retiring age of 60 years in the industry. As we have not been told in school and colleges about the aim of life.

I want to tell you all a very stunning fact that we are the most comfortable, civilized society of the last 5000 years supposed to be the normal accepted yug life as per Indian mythology started from satyug, Tretayug, Dwaparyug, and Kalyug. On lighter side no king of any era more than 100 years was having a great communication medium like mobile phone, No Maharaja of that time availed comfort of Mercedes, BMW, etc. which a common intellectual member of society is availing, Non of great Emporer of any dynasty has airconditioners like the common middle class is having today. The law and order and law of land are never better than now in any era where a king has every right to execute any person in his domain or territory without assigning any reason and no appeal can be registered against him and history is full of the misdeeds of kings irrespective of any religion or dynasty, Off course all kings or emperor are not bad as mentioned above as exceptions always existed in every yug.

A common middle-class human being is leading a more comfortable and luxurious life which a great empower of that time never imagined. Still, we are not feeling joyful and happy. There is really a gap in our understanding of life and the same has not been covered in any syllabus of school and colleges. But time has come when we need to guide our younger generation about the same. Let’s it is our duty to guide the next generation about the AIM of life in terms of joy and happiness. Aim of life is to be joyful and happy even while doing a job or avocation which suits the inner choice of the individual. Hence we the so-called intellectuals should devote some time to guide new generations growing in our homes.

Let’s guide our younger generation to be more resilient, tougher, more adaptable to face scenarios of real-life as sports where life is supposed to be live like a game where win and loss go hand in hand, to avoid repentances later on.
Let’s guide them that they are fortunate enough in view of what we have with us even in worst-case scenarios like lockdown and everybody is getting what is required to survive while comparing what we don’t have. Let us try to see positive in every scenario and hope to get what we want over due course of time and will get soon with the knowledge of our ancient teachings of the Gita and the law of attraction. Hence Patience is a term having a very important role in our life we need to understand.