Hi Guys,
Yesterday, I found my a good quality earphone or ear muff got damaged from falling where it is was hanged during cleaning, Initial response came in my mind to bang guy for making a loss of approximately 10 k phone muff, then all of the sudden things came in my mind let’s find out who is responsible for this Break Down and what LFI can be taken for future.

- The design of muff.
- The person who was cleaning my room.
- I am myself to hang muff on a location that can easily fall and Break.
As far as design is concerned I don’t find any issue as a lot many good brands muff are of this type and design cannot be blamed. - The person who was doing the job was doing the same for a long and muff has been hanged the way.
- Now come one more point that I have hanged this muff on the wall on a nail which is straight and with good length..
Analysis done by me.
above two points are good enough and 3 rd point is also primafacie good enough but when seen or studied in detail and found that hanging on nail without end support was not a good design pratice and Muff fall due to inadvertently push of person and fall down..
Learning from this is, Be sure whatever you are putting and keeping shall not have potential to fall maybe laptop, I pad, phone whatever it is as.
Make sure that your initial consideration or thought should go for the same also.
I know muff is hanged and anyone who will take care like me will not work..
Always think even if somebody doesn’t know and get a normal push then the design of support or table or any hanging support shall robust and designed enough to take inadvertent jerks.
So after this analysis, I need not to guide man to improve cleaning or dusting procedure but I need to improve design part of things in households also.
Our small awareness or mindfulness can reduce the loss of money, resources, and very importantly our temperament when busy.
Root cause analysis must be required for small issues of day-to-day work to avoid productivity pitfall.