Hi Guys,
Just find a nice analogy by Jakwoodard which is similar to LOA when compare in totality as given below which makes sense to me.
Pl, be aware that the whole universe responds to your frequency. It does not recognize your personal desires, wants, needs. It only recognizes the frequency you are vibrating at. For example, if you are vibrating at the frequency of fear guilt shame then, you are going to attract the frequency of similar vibrations to support that frequency.

If you are vibrating in the frequency of love, joy, and abundance, you are going to attract things to support that frequency. it’s like tuning into a radio station to match a song of your choice. Hence you need to tune the radio station you want to listen to just like you have to tune into the energy you want to manifest.

This is the same when you see Law of Attraction when viewed from a different angle and would find the same results.
Below shown flowers are the results of a story that resonates with the above concept will tell later sometime.

Your thoughts on this…