Hi Guys, yesterday I was coming back from my office being in the essential service maintenance Industry. I just switch on a local FM radio channel in my car to check any news etc. and find news from the local area that has been on the air. I was surprised to listen to the news which is equally shocking and important in this critical time where families are thanking God in times of crisis to have all family members together.

I was listening to the FM channel where the news is going on and the regional anchor is reporting that family disputes have been rose considerably after march 1st till today and data shows that at least X percentage I know but don’t want to write here, rose in domestic discontent reported in terms of police complaints and data is available. This is one of the strange things that I was thinking while driving back to my home from my office which forced me to write this article on these lines why the things which we normally believe that will give us happiness is giving sorrow.
Most of the time ladies in the house have complained to their spouse that you are always busy with your office, business, job, etc. you are always out when we need or you are always busy outside with your friends and colleagues, you don’t enjoy our company at home as you don’t have time for us and other complaints.
Men have always a complaint that I am very busy in my office, business and I cannot look after your domestic chores due to a lot of work pressure at the workplace / office and due to official responsibilities and it is not in my hand. Now thanks to the prevailing situation due to which the complaints of homemakers become null and vide after March when lockdown started and all gents barring our brave heroes of police, administration, doctors, or essential services, Other guys are at home about more than one month. Similarly, gents or husbands of the family are now relieved of going office or office-related strenuous tasks and free to give quality time for their family including children and the opportunity to stay in the home with wife and kids.
Then what happens now why the discontent is increasing both husband and wife are now got the situation of their choice still the discontent or difference has been on the rise and considerably increased which has been proved by data not buy any verbal communication but seems data of police department may be the tip of iceberg.
We need to introspect and clear what exactly we want from our relationships and ultimately from life.
we ourselves don’t know what we want from life and start blaming the person on the other side. I also don’t know the answer I cannot suggest any remedy also but know one thing very clearly that first understand other than request to be understood.
Secondly, Don’t try to blame others for anything which comes to you due to your own ignorance or lack of clarity. Third life will never go the way you want for your entire life.

Adjustment and empathy may be the way out to reduce ups and downs of life to a greater extent.
I remember an old saying that “Samvad me hi Samadhan hai” means discussion can resolve the conflicts/issues.