The whole universe responds to your frequency
Hi Guys,Just find a nice analogy by Jakwoodard which is similar to LOA when compare in totality as...
Read MoreLet’s Understand The Law of Attraction
Hi Guys, We have listened and learned a lot about the Law of Attraction.Some people are aware of...
Read MoreLet’s Think of enhancing our own potential
Let’s Think of enhancing our own potential Hi Guys, Sometimes I come across messages and queries regarding the availability of vacant positions in the oil and gas sector by newcomers or experienced guys. People have...
ENGLISH IS A LANGUAGE NOT KNOWLEDGE…. Hi I can Help you.. Hi Guy, What you understand from the above line. there is a debate now going on in traditional mindset guys who are fond of writing the English language with each...
Read MoreRoot cause approach even small personal breakdown can give you a learning
Hi Guys,Yesterday, I found my a good quality earphone or ear muff got damaged from falling where...
Read MoreKnow your enemy better than your friend
” Know your enemy better than your friend ” Know your Enemy better than your friend as...
Read MoreAre you worried about resume writing?
Hi Guys, I have come across many mails for resume services which create my curiosity about Resume...
Read Morewe have Only two choices
Every point in time we have two choices 1. Either to Lead or to Follow 2. Either to Start or to Wait 3. Either to Act or to React 4. Either to Show or to See Why not choose First to avoid regret during rest of our life. Why not...
Read MoreDo BIG Boss is a friend or a Foe
DO BIG BOSS IS A FRIEND OR A FOE Hi Guys, Today I am going to touch on a very sensitive topic that...
Read Morelets Try to find uniqueness in you ………….
Hi , Guys it has been written in various management books and guided by our ancient gurus that every individual is a unique identity and have unique skill set gifted by Almighty and we need to identify the unique trait or...
Read MoreMultitasking A myth or reality…
Hi Guys , I often read books and journals on efficiency and productivity. These are the two measurable that can be compared but measuring same is a challenge as the person measuring same needs to be well versed also. People try...
Read MoreLets learn from echo ……
Hi Guys , one of my friend Mr. TD Garg who is a educationist and academician has shared a story as I am sharing below…” A man was taking his son on a walk in a nearby forest. Suddenly the boy tripped and feeling a...
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The whole universe responds to your frequency
by narender kirar | Jun 19, 2021 | INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT, TEAM DEVELOPMENT | 0 |
Hi Guys,Just find a nice analogy by Jakwoodard which is similar to LOA when compare in totality as...
Read MoreLet’s Understand The Law of Attraction
by narender kirar | Jun 13, 2021 | INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT, TEAM DEVELOPMENT | 0 |
Hi Guys, We have listened and learned a lot about the Law of Attraction.Some people are aware of...
Read MoreSharing Learning Certificates
by narender kirar | May 21, 2021 | TEAM DEVELOPMENT | 0 |
Hi Guys ,I am not in a habit of sharing learning certificates as I have never accumulate in a...
Read MoreImportance of Mission or Vision for an Initiative
by admin | Apr 3, 2021 | TEAM DEVELOPMENT | 0 |
Importance of Mission or Vision for an Initiative Hi Guys, I was just observing that many people...
by admin | Mar 31, 2021 | TEAM DEVELOPMENT | 0 |
Hi guys, in the continuity of my previous article where we have discussed that bosses are not...
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