We Indians have got our basic belief systems all mixed up. Its time to review and revive them and create the life we want for ourselves. Here I am listing out some myths and some traditional viewpoints on the same:

  1. The principle of ‘Santosh’ that is ‘satisfaction in your life situations’.
  2. The principle of moving away from ‘Maya’ or worldly pleasures.
  3. The belief that everything is predestined.
  4. The idea of surrendering to God’s plan. Trusting God and this is tied up with ‘Santosh’ or been satisfied with whatever your life situation is.

Don’t you think that all these beliefs are like cutting your wings and limiting yourself? We have got a non-traditional incite from the concept of Law of Attraction which emphasis below values.

  1. We create our own destiny through our actions.
  2. We should enjoy worldly pleasures. They are there to be enjoyed. But at the same time, we shouldn’t get too much involved in them.
  3. The steering wheel of our life should be in our own hands. If we don’t control our life, somebody else will. If we don’t work to achieve our own dreams we will be working to achieve someone else’s dream.
  4. The idea of letting God control your life, been in an autopilot mode is a tricky one.

As the ‘Gita’ says

‘Nobody can take away what is yours and nobody can give you what is not yours’

But we have heard that if you really work hard you can achieve what you want.

So Now It is time to decide what our basic belief systems are. Its time to review and revise our basic beliefs- to unlearn what we have been taught until now up to some extend and learn new beliefs that I can achieve what I want.

To reprogram our minds. Let’s decide what our dreams are, what kind of life we really dreaming of and convey the same to the universe and be ready to receive the same with open arms by following the Law of Attraction in a systematic manner.

All you need to start is a bit of determination, discipline and some mindfulness. Start paying attention to your inner dialogue, and make these crucial shifts in your choice of words: