Does money bring happiness?

YES, Only money could bring happiness to one’s life. If you have a lot of money you are never afraid of any situation in your life, You would be more confident in your Professional and Personal life because you are aware if something goes wrong you have enough in your bank account or in whatever form it may be. If one has money, just observe how confidently he communicates and tackles any complex situation.
On the other hand,those who are saying money does not bring happiness,we will find that, they all are wealthy people and they can quote anything.

A vegetable vendor, Street sweeper, a person struggling with business or Job will never say Money does not bring happiness.
For a Debate, it is a good topic and even the person might lose the debate who is supporting money brings happiness, however, at the end of the day again all will run behind the money.

Money does not automatically give you happiness. Instead, money gives you access to many things that can lead to happiness.

For example, if a girl loves pink cotton candy at the carnival and it costs 5 bucks. With money, you can easily buy pink cotton candy for that girl and make her happy with a genuine smile on her face. And, with a genuine smile on her face, her brain produces chemicals such as dopamine, oxytocin, etc. that makes her feel happy and feel good at the same time.

Money has two sides. One, you can use it to grant you access to things. Two, it can control you from the inside out and make you want to have more and more amounts of money. In some cases, some super-rich people with tons of money can become sad.

Personally, my father’s side of the family is super rich but sad and has no friends. They are selfish individuals and do not know how to love people but think about making money all day, making business, etc. On my mother’s side, however, they use money as a way to access things in life. Back when my mom was younger, her dad had to loan money from the bank to pay for her education and she was happy every day to learn.

Therefore, money can be your access to things that can lead to happiness, but not necessarily make you happy just by having money physically in your hand, on the internet, or in a credit card.

Money gives You Security

Money gives you neceasaary possesions which will keep you protected

Money gives you good health

Money gives you free time to live life independently

Money gives you weapons from which you can protect yourself

Money gives you people to protect and support you

Money gives you comfort and material possesions fast cars security guard able to fight with corrupt people

Money can makd you help poor people

Money can solve 99% problems of your life

Money can even help you to become spritual and focus on your spritual goals

Atlast using money wisely is the best possible thing otherwise it can make you against yourself.