Hi Guys , I have listened by one of my very talented friend who is a keynote speaker and world-famous management trainer known as Mr. Isar Qureshi, who has commented just a fortnight back on this platform that in India a lot many motivational speakers and trainers has surfaced and trainers are more than listeners. I understand his concern that quality of delivery can be missing if lots of guys will do a task in which they are not adept. I very much agree with him and observed that until the quest for improvement is there in the individual, one can not improve, which is ironic in India. I am able to offer my incite based on my discussion with veteran’s of Industry and Academicians in our voluntary team known as Potentialminers and my own 27 years of core oil and gas industry experience. Average people working in Industry is having least concern about their development and learning however lot many exceptions are there but I am talking about average Industrial scenarios, Average performer is just pulling his job role without pondering much for his improvement and learning plan. I have very cogent and clear case studies to supplement this hard fact. The improvement area suggested to a team of people has never worked upon and people even don’t realise that the need of self-improvement and keep on justifying their shortcomings instead of accepting and making a plan to improve same.
Hence responsibility of
behaviour coach and mentors has been increased many fold to check whether the efforts they are putting is being converted into results. They are required to utilize new techniques and methodologies to improve industrial culture so that potential and performance of average Industry in India can be improved.
Suggestion and comments from all concern are welcome…