Hi Guys,
In the continuity of my last post on the role of leader for the development of individuals in the team, I find some queries which I want to clarify that leader has the responsibility to develop the people he chooses to work with him.

We can control or sail the things while showing the big picture to team members or mentees, that’s what is the role of a leader is, if a person is self-motivated and aware about same than efforts required by the leader for him is minimal but all in the team are not of that kind. An average employee or team member are of three types
1. Self-motivated
2. Just motivated
3. Barely motivated

Now the role of the leader to bring maximum guys in the first category of self-motivated so that he can focus on the big picture of the venture or organization otherwise he will be busy developing and guiding team members.
As per HBR data, a leader is supposed to devote a minimum of 10 percent to a maximum of 30 percent of time developing people and showing them a big picture to make them self motivated
I have numerous examples when people reached in first category has done wonders for organizations and ultimately to self.
Secondly I intent to focus on one important point that once we delegate the locus of control to someone else then we become powerless to get the results that we are looking for. In my view, the locus of control shall be in the hand of leaders to make the vision happen and the responsibility of even delegated tasks can not be left on others.
That’s what the above trait differentiate a Leader and Manager.