Hi Guys ,
I am not in a habit of sharing learning certificates as I have never accumulate in a stacked way, Some are lying in my book shelves and some are lying in files. Morale is the things which you are having with you and not able to locate within certain frame work of time is not available to you.
I am the person who has carving for learning and Coaching inspite of my packed schedules.
Still I devote average 5 to 10 percent of my time developing my subordinates since last 15 years when I my self came to know the importance of Learning and Coaching. Coaching help to develop people for next level who in turn able to perform better and give you more time to learn and Guide them to grow technically and managearly.
Just to formalized my brush up I have attended a course on Coaching from Harvard Business Review.
I personally appreciative the HBR article and courses and now I am assessing some more platforms which provide learning with the need of hour content.
coaching has a great Importance for self, for your subordinates as well as for your organization.
I am working on Situational leadership model by Ken Blanchard for my team which beautifully make a road map to achieve desired competency for any particular role.