We often listen to people preach us Be Happy, Stay Positive Think Good, etc.

The logic behind this approach is that we can not have two emotions together at a time. For example, if we are happy at a point in time than we cannot be sad at that time. If we are generous at point of time then we cannot be frugal at the same time, if we are having a feel of fitness in our mind than we can not have the feeling of disease at that time. Similarly, if we are positive in our thoughts at a point of time than negative thoughts can not enter our mind at that time. Hence we can understand and utilize this basic principle for our betterment to becoming the person we want to be.

Hence we can knowingly breed positive thoughts that can help us to bring health, wealth, happiness in our daily life. The moral of the post is to try to bring light inside the temple of your mind darkness will evade away automatically.

ESSENTIALS FOR ABUNDANCE OF HEALTH, WEALTH AND HAPPINESS. We are all blessed by the Universe with an abundance of everything.