We always think we are busy and exhausted in our day to day life and we want to do something which we are not getting time for like activities of our choice like reading books, technical and managerial journal’s, writing some article, make some painting, organize our wardrobe, Do meditation, chat with our loved once and old friends and relatives and lot many things which need solace, isolation, an opportunity for self-talk.

Now we are in a phase where going out is giving a call to death and like sending bulk SMS of Covid 19 infection. So it is a time for self-talk and self-evaluation. Every happening is an opportunity to learn certain new things, new lessons. Let’s we utilize this opportunity and instead of thinking about what adversity we are facing Let’s think what are some unique opportunities that we are getting now which can help us to feed our soul and start doing something which is close to our heart and give peace and happiness.

The moral of the post is to learn to try to be happy with your present instead of always thinking of the future and cursing your past.