Investment Plan of Life

Hi Guys, I am not a person who is having much interest in the stock market but I learn the word Investment plan from one of the SME I really admire and happens to meet is Mr. Sameer Belnkar from Mumbai the city of dreams , who is a senior analyst in India’s one of the growing consulting company Research and Ranking which claims to raise your investment five times in five years.
Do the investment plans are only important for a person who wants to invest in the stock market or do investment plans for our career and future are also required , how many people understand the importance of investment plan for the biggest resource everybody is having but not utilizing.
Time is the biggest commodity in scarce which needs to be invested holistically for the greater purpose of life than earning money or positions.
Time is a commodity in scarce for some who is having great aims and ambitions and plenty for people who don’t want to use it or don’t know how to use it.
Hence investment of your time is the key objective of life whether you are a student, a teacher, businessmen, a corporate executive, a high flier politician, or a civil servant.
Now the biggest god gifted resource with each one of us is the time which God has distributed equally to each one without any biased.
The purpose of investment in life is to get returns in every venture of life we focused on. How to utilize the equally gifted time to the individual. Let’s first understand the importance of time in our personal and professional domains.
Secondly, we need to make a time investment plan for our personal and professional life. Time is the most scarce resource individual is having with us. You can earn money tomorrow but you cannot earn back lost time as everybody is having a God gifted business plan life of 100 years, Max.
What you have done in allotted time normally defines your level of achievement and satisfaction in personal and professional life. I intentionally met my senior colleagues or the persons who are in the list of top whos and whos in their respective domain in PSUs, corporate sector, Government of India in the capacity of CXOs to the secretary to Govt of India.
The common answer I got it is even after reaching those great heights the investment plan for life was not focused or balanced and they were busy achieving level to level with a particular position in life but positions never remain with you so the satisfaction of life.
Hence time investment plan of your life must be framed by individual keeping his ambition, passion, and purpose of life otherwise at the end of the journey you will feel empty like most of the people even after attaining lucrative positions in professional life.