Hi Guys, during my personal and professional journey from PSU to the private sector in different areas, different plants and different domains of work from planning, maintenance, projects, system establishment. I find that many people who normally blame people and circumstances for their failures for not getting the desired results for their personal and professional life and keep on blaming bosses, organizations, and circumstances then I started exploring on this subject that whether someone can be responsible for your misery, weather non-achievement of your results can be attributed to someone else.

I discussed with so many people who achieved the things of desire in their lives and those who are not able to achieve what they want in their life. During this study, I seldom found that people who are serious about their objective of achievement and clear of their goals not able to succeed.
The biggest difference which I observed with two types of people is that person who takes the responsibility of their actions normally succeeds even after some failures and error and trials in the long run. But the second class of people who blame others for their failures are the persons who blame others for what happens with them, By this concept of blaming others they presume that I am ok and could not succeed due to fault of others and due to unfavorable circumstances and they forget to notice their own shortcomings and here lies the catch, they try to blame and rectify each and everyone except the real culprit.