Hi Guys today on world environment day when I was planting a tree today morning in a function on environment day. I shared the real importance of the tree which I myself felt with a small gathering. In the inaugural speech, I shared my own experience which changes my attitude towards tree plantation.

Approximately 8 years back when we shifted from Bathinda city to our newly constructed Villa in our township. Our Villa is a duplex villa East facing having glass opening every open side and very small sapling all around. The severe heat in the month of June hit directly leading to more heat inside the Villa than outside and AC kept on running almost 24 hrs. It is all sweating even after bathing and forced me to think some idea to cover the east and south side wall with some creepers etc. as saplings will take some years to become a tree. I was not able to find any solution at that time.

Now over a period of 8 years, our township has been converted into a lush green township with a look of trees all around covering East, South, North, and give look like a green eco. township with active efforts of our horticulture team and our Villa is now become a comparatively cozy place in summer with active efforts of my wife who is having a deep interest in gardening and placed indoor plants also.

Now we can feel a remarkable difference in the inside temperature of Villa with the wonderful effect of trees in maintaining a comfortable feel inside in comparison to 8 years before the scenario. After that, I have realized the actual importance of trees and then I decided to plant at least a tree per month near our vicinity and now I request each one to plant at least one tree every year and ensure the safety and growth for the same.

After 8 years I got to know the solution to cover walls of flats and houses where direct trees cannot be planted. Vertical gardening is the concept I was not aware of which even can be done in congested places even in markets or other places if we realized the importance of greenery.

We only do things when we internally got why a particular activity to be started or continued.

I come across a green initiative volunteers which support the solution I was looking 8 years ago in the form of the concept known as vertical gardening by Parijai Genus which is having all solutions of indoor plants and vertical gardening, medicinal herb plantation inside the house or outside even on the rooftop so that persons living in high risers can also make a green home. This has reinforced my belief that limitations are there only when we accept them. Hence try to find out ” why “for every good thing that we need to start or continue.

Parijai Genus: Go Green